I was lucky enough to getaway to Palm Springs this past weekend for my birthday and stayed at the La Quinta Resort. Life has been pretty busy lately so getting the opportunity to do absolutely nothing but lounge in the sun by the pool was pure luxury for me. It gave me the chance to reflect and gain a fresh perspective on what I want my focus to be on in the future. 

I’m sure you have noticed that I have been a little m.i.a. lately and I really want to apologize for that. I love blogging and try to get it in when I can but having a full time job where I average about 10 work hours a day plus commute makes it a little difficult. I know a lot of you out there are in similar situations and rock it and I would love to hear some tips on how you manage to balance it all. If you have any tools you love to use I would love to read about them in the comments! One thing I know for sure is that creating is where my passions lie and I’m dying to get into a routine that allows me to create original content for you guys. I have been collecting inspiration and pinning a lot of images that stimulate me creatively so I’m looking forward to the upcoming months. I know it might start off sporadically but I promise good things will come. 

Hope you all had a great weekend!